BALKANDIDE (2005-2006)

Study on Social Dimension in the Candidate Countries (BALKANDIDE)

TÁRKI was the lead contractor for this project. In addition to TÁRKI, the consortium consisted of two other institutes: the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS, Brussels) and the Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE, Warsaw).

BALKANDIDE examined in depth the social situation in four countries (Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia and Turkey) that were/are candidates for membership in the EU and identified the major challenges in their demographic, social and economic context that are most pertinent for determining a candidate country's capacity to function in the Union. The study assessed recent reform efforts and major current issues for further reform that will allow the candidate country to participate in the process of economic and monetary integration and to become an active and vibrant member of the Union in all aspects of civil society, political and cultural life.

The project concluded in four country reports: 

  • Bulgaria
  • Croatia
  • Romania
  • Turkey
  • and a synthesis report

The country reports covered the following areas:

  • general economic, financial and labour market developments
  • demographic trends
  • description of living conditions: key developments and dynamics
  • tax/benefit systems and policy approaches
  • government structures
  • statistical annex

The synthesis report systematically compared the candidate countries to the EU25 and, when data sources allowed, separately to the EU15 and New Member States.

Commissioned by: Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities DG
Social Protection and Social Integration
Social and Demography Analysis

Lead researcher: Róbert Gál

