
Medgyesi Márton és Tóth István György elemzése a kelet-közép-európai országok felzárkózási folyamatairól

A jövedelem és vagyon kutatók nemzetközi szövetségének (International Association for Research in Income and Wealth) kétévente megrendezett idei (sorozatban a 35.) kongresszusa speciális szekciót szentelt a kelet-közép európai posztkommunista átmenetek újraértékelésnek (tekintettel az eltelt több mint negyedszázadra). A szekcióban átfogó áttekintő előadásként mutatták be Medgyesi Márton és Tóth István György “Looking Back to Convergence Trends and Inequality Developments in Central- and Eastern Europe: Almost Three Decades After the Transition” című tanulmányát. A konferencia teljes programja itt található. A Tárki kutatóinak tanulmánya innen tölthető le. 

A Broken Social Elevator? How to Promote Social Mobility

Driven by the efforts of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to develop a “people-centred growth model”  a major account of social mobility trends in OECD countries came out of the press most recently (Paris: OECD, 2018). The current report is the fourth in a series of OECD flagship publications on trends, causes, consequences and remedies for growing inequalities. The Hungary data for each of these reports come from household surveys carried out by Tarki Social Research Institute.

GDPR és a Tárki adatkezelése

Az Európai Unió Általános Adatvédelmi Rendeletét (GDPR) a személyes adatok statisztikai célú kezelése esetében is szükséges alkalmazni. A Tárki Zrt. adatvédelmi szabályozása és gyakorlata garantálja a természetes személyek jogainak védelmét. A Tárki Zrt. az adatszolgáltatók teljes körű tájékoztatása érdekében – az érintett természetes személyek számára – honlapján teszi közzé a mindenki számára nyilvános Adatvédelmi és Adatbiztonsági tájékoztatóját, biztosítva ezzel adatkezelésének átláthatóságát.

Tárki organized an expert workshop to extend IPOLIS

Within the frame of the InGRID-2 project (funded under the Horizon 2020 framework programme of the European Commission), TÁRKI Social Research Institute organized an expert workshop entitled Methods and data infrastructure to measure the quality of life of various vulnerable groups: extending IPOLIS, on 25-27 April 2018, in Budapest.

Building Nations with Non-Nationals: book by Iván Szelényi on immigration regimes

The recent book by Iván Szelényi, advisor and Board member of Tarki Social Research Institute was recently published by Corvina titled "Building Nations with Non-Nationals: The Exclusionary Immigration Regimes of the Gulf Monarchies". The case study on Pakistani workers in the United Arab Emirates classifies three types of immigration regimes and draws conclusions for scholars, policy analysts and policymakers all over the world. A recent review of the book has just came out in Pakistan and can be read here:

Invitation to CESSDA Workshop: Exploring Data in Europe - with a Focus on European Attitudes and Values

The Czech Social Science Data Archive invites to free of charge workshop, which explores the potential of research data available in Europe. In the morning, a practical session on How to Find and Access data in Europe will introduce key data sources including CESSDA and European social science data archives and examine ways to identify and access good quality data for your research. The afternoon session will host expert talks on research, data and methods. Experts on nationalism, political attitudes and migration will provide researcher perspectives on important data in their areas of interest. The presentations will concentrate on data for comparative research and challenges in secondary data analysis. The workshop is targeted towards students, early career and PhD researchers but is open to anyone interested in the themes and/or how to access data for secondary data analysis.

Tarki staff appears in the new "Handbook of Research on Economic and Social Well-being"

András Gábos and István György Tóth, together with Bea Cantillon and Tim Goedemé signs a chapter titled "Social exclusion: empirical findings" in the new Handbook, edited by Conchita D'Ambrosio of the Luxembourg University. The compendium offers the reader a comprehensive overview of many measures of individual and social well- being and their applications. Chapter 8 by Gábos et al reviews the empirical trends in social exclusion in Europe and the authors also consider how employment on the one hand and social redistribution on the other contribute to the reduction of poverty.

link to the book: https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/handbook-of-research-on-economic-and-social-well-being