Social quality and the changing relationship between work, care and welfare in Europe (WORKCARE)
TÁRKI was the Hungarian partner of the WORKCARE project, supported by the Sixth EU Framework Programme. This project relied heavily on the results of the Household, Work and Flexibility project. The WORKCARE comparative research project explored the relationships between (at the macro level) structural changes on the labour market, demography, welfare and economic policies, and (at the micro level) changes in individual attitudes to work and care. At the macro level the project was concerned with measuring the quality of society and at the micro level the quality of life. The intention of this project was to go beyond the existing literature on individual attitudes and welfare regimes, and to integrate perspectives of gender and care into an analysis that encompasses Europe as a whole, including the new Member States. In order to do this, an analytical framework was developed that took into account the orientation, actions, capabilities and satisfaction of actors with the work and care systems as they construct a work-life balance. The work was based on an analysis of the relevant indicators from existing sources, and was supplemented by qualitative interviews from five countries. The project contributed to key European issues, providing a better understanding of the impact of social policies on work and care, the effects of the competing demands of work and care on fertility decisions, and the consequences of flexibility and working times on the organization of work, care and welfare.
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