Villa Vigoni 2024

18th Conference “Social Monitoring and Reporting in Europe” Fears, Worries, and Anxieties in Contemporary Europe

Villa Vigoni 7-9/10/2024

Programme                                                                                                                                          Back to all conferences  


Monday, October 7, 2024



Arrival of participants




Reception & Dinner




Tuesday, Morning, October 8

9:00 – 10:45

Session I.    Chair: Christian Suter (University of Neuchâtel)

Fears, Worries, and Anxieties in Contemporary Europe: Long-term Dynamics, Drivers, and Measures


Christian Suter (University of Neuchâtel)

Welcome and Introduction to the Conference



James Laurence (University College London, UK), Stephanie Sprong (Utrecht University, The Netherlands), Frances McGinnity (Economic and Social Research Institute, Ireland), Helen Russell (Economic and Social Research Institute, Ireland) & Garance Hingre (Economic and Social Research Institute, Ireland)

Changing Anxiety and its Drivers in Ireland and Northern Ireland over the 21st Century



Oliver Nahkur (Institute of Social Studies, University of Tartu, Estonia)

Worries Among Children in Contemporary Europe: What International Child Subjective Vulnerability Resilience Index Is Telling Us?






10:30 – 11:00


Coffee Break


11:00 – 12:30

Session II. Chair: Jeroen Boelhouwer (The Netherlands Institute for Social Research, The Hague)

Economic and Social Drivers of Fears, Worries, and Anxieties


Franco Bastias & Sonja Zmerli (Pacte Laboratory, University Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France)

Explanations of Economic Inequality as a Driver of Emotional Distress



Tommaso Bechini (Sapienza Università di Roma/DIW Berlin & Peter Krause (DIW Berlin, Germany)

Impacts from Multi-Dimensional Deprivations, Well-Beings, and Inequalities on Fears, Worries, and Anxieties



Leonie C. Steckermeier (Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau) & Jan Delhey (Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg)

Status Anxiety and Quality of Life: How Much Does Inequality Hurt?












Tuesday, Afternoon, October 8




14:30 – 16:30

Session III. Chair: Heinz-Herbert Noll (formerly GESIS, Mannheim)

Impacts of Fears, Worries, and Anxieties (I): Political Values and Attitudes


Zsófia Tomka, István György Tóth & Ábel Csathó (Tarki Social Research Institute, Budapest)

Worries, Anxieties and the Demand for Freedom, Security and Just Public Policy in Hungary



Monika Verbalyte (Europa-Universität Flensburg)

Fear, Anger, or Social Resentment? Emotions and European Attitudes



Tadas Leončikas, Massimiliano Mascherini & Michele Consolini (Eurofound, Dublin)

Understanding the Dynamics of the Public Support to Ukraine: The Impact of Social Insecurity and Anxiety


  Max Haller (University of Graz and Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna) War as Societal Catalyst. How it Affects the Thinking and Acting of People Within and Outside in War-thorn Countries Presentation





16:30 – 17:00


Coffee Break






17:00 – 18:30

Session IV. Chair: Laura Kestilä (Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki)

Impacts of Fears, Worries, and Anxieties (II): Economic Expectations, Life Conceptions, and Loneliness


Anton Nivorozhkin (Institute for Employment Research, Germany), Markus Promberger (Institute for Employment Research, Germany), & Brigitte Schels (University of Salzburg, Austria)

Economic Expectations of German Households: Impacts of Job Insecurity, Institutional Trust, and Cost of Living Crisis



Jan Delhey, Stephanie Heß & Christian Schneickert (Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg)

Life in Worrying Times: Life Conceptions and their Happiness Dividend


  Christine Steiner, Anne Berngruber & Lisa Hasenbein (German Youth Institute, Munich) Well Embedded and Still Lonely? Loneliness Among Adolescents and Young Adults in Germany Presentation





Wednesday, Morning, October 9

9:15 – 11:00

Session V.   Chair: Tadas Leončikas (Eurofound, Dublin)

Recent Social Monitoring and Reporting Activities


Sakari Karvonen & Laura Kestilä (Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki)

Recent experiences from Social Reporting in Finland



István György Tóth (Tarki Social Research Institute, Budapest)

The Hungarian Social Report 2024



Christian Suter (University of Neuchâtel)

The Panorama of Swiss Society 2024


10:15– 10:45


Coffee Break


10:45– 12:15

Session VI.   Chair: Peter Farago (formerly FORS, Lausanne)

Challenges for the Future of Social Monitoring and Reporting


Heinz-Herbert Noll (formerly GESIS, Mannheim)
Challenges for the Future of Social Monitoring and Reporting: Introduction

István György Tóth (Tarki Social Research Institute, Budapest)
Sakari Karvonen (Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki)




12:15 – 12:45


Business Meeting    
Chair: Christian Suter (University of Neuchâtel)




Future Plans








Lunch and Departure