Roma - Vulnerable Groups Survey (2004)

Quantitative and Comparable Data Survey on Development Problems and Challenges of Roma - Vulnerable Groups Survey project

This survey "offers the most accurate picture of the Roma ever compiled" - said the UNDP press release (Sofia, 2 February 2005) about the survey, which was conducted among the Roma people of Hungary by TÁRKI. 'The data release is timed to coincide with the launch of the "Decade of Roma Inclusion", a 10-year effort to integrate the Roma into the European mainstream. The "Decade" aims to provide a policy framework for governments to set their own goals for Roma integration. The current dataset provides a strong analytical backbone for future policies.' 

TÁRKI was the UNDP's Hungarian partner in the Quantitative and Comparable Data Survey on Development Problems and Challenges of Roma - Vulnerable Groups Survey project, carried out in many South-Eastern and Central European countries in autumn 2004. TÁRKI recorded the data on Roma living in Hungary using a representative sample of the Roma population at the household level and at the level of individuals. The quantitative data allowed the calculation of poverty lines, poverty depth, employment and unemployment rates, educational level and educational attainment, as well as selected health indicators for the Roma community. These were designed to be comparable to similar indicators at the national level. The information was consistent with the individual-oriented indicators envisaged under the Millennium Development Goals monitoring project.