TÁRKI was a partner in the HWF (Households, Work and Flexibility) project, supported by the Fifth EU Framework Programme. Flexibility has long been a topic of debate in Western Europe, and this debate is now coming to the fore in the New European Countries (EU10) as well. In this comparative research, a representative sample survey of the following countries was used: the UK, the Netherlands, Sweden, Slovenia, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Romania. The surveys were carried out in 2001 (N=11194). The research considered how flexible the workforce was by looking at the extent of time, place, contract and income flexibility, and at the ways in which these are combined. First, the literature and the macroeconomic and macro-social context of flexibility were summarised in contemporary Europe. A comparative analysis was carried out, focusing on the various aspects of flexibility, such as the social characteristics of flexible workers in different countries, the association between social status and flexibility, work and job values, flexibility of young people, etc. At the same time, the project compared the demographic, labour-market and social-policy characteristics and how they related to flexibility in each country.