- Call for papers: 18th Conference „Social Monitoring and Reporting in Europe“ Fears, Worries, and Anxieties in Contemporary Europe Is there a societal climate change and what are the consequences for quality of life?
- Programme and presentations: 17th Conference „Social Monitoring and Reporting in Europe“ Rising Conflicts and Polarisation in European Societies? Indicators, Empirical Evidence, and Future Prospects
- Call for papers: 17th Conference „Social Monitoring and Reporting in Europe“ Rising Conflicts and Polarisation in European Societies? Indicators, Empirical Evidence, and Future Prospects
Presentations: 16th Conference “Social Monitoring and Reporting in Europe” Quality of Life in Europe at Risk? Effects of the Pandemic and Recent Social Change
Programme: 16th Conference “Social Monitoring and Reporting in Europe” Quality of Life in Europe at Risk? Effects of the Pandemic and Recent Social Change
Call for papers: 16th Conference „Social Monitoring and Reporting in Europe“ Quality of Life in Europe at Risk? Effects of the pandemic, climate change and green transition
- Programme and presentations: 15th Conference “Social Monitoring and Reporting in Europe” Increasing Divergence and Changing Social Trends in Europe? – Longer-term Developments and Consequences of the Pandemic – March 9, 2021
- The 15th conference of the series has been postponed.
Programme and Presentations: 14th Conference „Social Monitoring and Reporting in Europe“. Weakening Social Cohesion in Europe? Indicators, Analysis and Policy Implications. October 14-16, 2019
- Programme and Presentations: 13th Conference “Social Monitoring and Reporting in Europe” Inequalities, Fairness and Solidarity Across Generations – Measurement and Analysis Villa Vigoni, Loveno di Mennagio, October 15-17, 2018
- Programme and Presentations: 12th Conference “Social Monitoring and Reporting in Europe”: “Resilience: An Asset in Difficult Times?”, Villa Vigoni Conference, October 23-25, 2017.
- Programme and Presentations: 11th Conference “Social Monitoring and Reporting in Europe”: “Social Change and Continuity – Monitoring and Reporting on Societal Trends in the 21st Century”, Villa Vigoni Conference, October 24-26, 2016.
- Programme and Presentations: 10th Conference “Social Monitoring and Reporting in Europe”: “Policy Goals, Societal Values and Citizen’s Preferences: How We Live and How We Want to Live in Europe”, Villa Vigoni Conference, October 26-28, 2015.
- Programme and Presentations: “Social Monitoring and Reporting in Europe: The Quality of Society and Individual Quality of Life – How do they relate?”, Villa Vigoni Conference, June 23-25, 2014
- Programme and Presentations: “Social Monitoring and Reporting in Europe: The State of the Art and Future Perspectives”, Villa Vigoni Conference, March 13-15, 2013
- Programme and Presentations: “Subjective Indicators: Usefulness and Information Potential for Policy Making”, Villa Vigoni Conference, April 25-27, 2012
- Programme and Presentations: “Measuring and Monitoring Social Progress in European Societies – Is Life Still Getting Better?”, Villa Vigoni Conference, March 9-11, 2011
- Programme and Presentations: “Current Trends of Societal Development and Social Implications of the Economic Crisis”, Villa Vigoni Conference, March 14-16, 2010
- Programme and Presentations: Social Reporting in Europe. “Different Ways of Adding Meaning to Numbers” Villa Vigoni Conference, March 22-24, 2009
- Programme and Presentations: Social Reporting in Europe. Migration and Integration. Villa Vigoni Conference, March 16-18, 2008
- Programme: Citizens’ Expectations Towards Welfare State Reforms. Villa Vigoni Conference, March 25-27, 2007