Péter Róbert

Péter Róbert
senior researcher

E-mail: robert@tarki.hu
MTMT CV (pdf)
Róbert Péter


Róbert, Péter has graduated in sociology at Eötvös Lóránd University (ELTE), received his PhD from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) and has made his habilitation at ELTE University. He has been working for TÁRKI Social Research Institute as senior researcher since 1986. His current project titled Children in school: Well-being and beyond - The International Survey of Children’s Well-Being (ISCWeB). He is also fulltime Professor of Sociology at Széchenyi University, Győr, at the Department of Social Work and Sociology. His research interests involve social stratification, educational inequalities, school-to-work transition, the perception of social inequalities and the subjective well-being.

Róbert has gained international work experience as being grantee several times, like e.g. as a Fulbright scholar at the University of Madison-Wisconsin (1988-89), as a Magyar Fellow in the NIAS (Wassenaar, Netherlands, 1997), as a Jean Monnet Fellow at the EUI, Firenze (2002-03), or as a Marie Curie Excellence Senior Research Fellow at the Geary Institute, at UCD, Dublin (2008-2009). His international recognition is shown by his presence in academic research committees (ISA RC28) and by his participation in international comparative research programs. Róbert has become the Hungarian national coordinator of the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) taking over this position from Tamás Kolosi in 1994. Róbert has been invited to several international comparative projects as a Hungarian participant like e.g. Three Social Science Disciplines in Central and Eastern Europe, at the Collegium Budapest (2000-2002), Self-employment Dynamics in Advanced Economies (2000-2003), National Patterns of Social Mobility (1998-2004), the Globalife Project at the Bamberg University (1999-2004), Educational Systems and Labour Markets in Central and Eastern European Transformation Countries (2006-2010) or Youth Inequalities (2008-2009). These projects have led to international publications in volumes by Oxford University Press, Princeton University Press, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Routledge or Springer. Róbert represented TÁRKI in projects like the Analysis of Eurobarometer on Social Mobility (2006) financed by the European Foundation or the Higher Education as a Generator of Strategic Competences (HEGESCO) financed by EAC-ERASMUS. Currently Róbert is representing TÁRKI in an Integrated Project on Lifelong Learning (2005-2011) financed by the EU Commission.

As Hungarian credits, Róbert has received Erdei Ferenc Memorial Award of the Hungarian Sociological Association in 1986, he was holding a Széchenyi Professor Fellowship between 1997-2000, and has received Polányi Károly Award ‘Best Publication of the Year’ of the Hungarian Sociological Association in 2000.



Róbert, Péter. 1984. A Multidimensional Approach to Social Mobility. In: Rudolf Andorka and Tamás Kolosi (eds.): Stratification and Inequality. Hungarian Sociological Association, Budapest. pp. 223-244

Haller, Max, Tamás Kolosi and Péter Róbert. 1990. Social Mobility in Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary An Investigation of the Effects of Industrialization, Socialist Revolution, and National Uniqueness. In: Max Haller (ed): Class Structure in Europe. New Findings from East-West Comparisons of Social Structure and Mobility. London: M.E.Sharpe Inc.

Ganzeboom, Harry B. G. Paul M. De Graaf and Péter Róbert. 1990. Reproduction Theory on Socialist Ground: Intergenerational Transmission of Inequalities in Hungary. In: Arne L. Kalleberg (ed.): Research in Social Stratification and Mobility. Volume 9. Greenwich: JAI Press Inc.

Róbert, Péter. 1990. Status Inconsistency Theory and Social Mobility Analysis. In: Jules L. Peschar (ed.): Social Reproduction in Eastern and Western Europe. Nijmegen: Institute for Applied Social Sciences. pp. 67-90.

Peschar, Jules, Roel Popping and Péter Róbert. 1990. Social Mobility in Hungary and the Netherlands. In: JJules L. Peschar (ed.): Social Reproduction in Eastern and Western Europe. Nijmegen: Institute for Applied Social Sciences. pp. 169-186.

Róbert, Péter. 1991. Educational transition in Hungary from the postwar period up to the end of the 1980s. European Sociological Review Special Edition on Eastern Europe. 7 (3) : 213-236.

Róbert, Péter. 1991. The Role of Cultural and Material Resources in the Status Attainment Process: The Case of Hungary. In: András Tóth and László Gábor (eds). Beyond The Great Transformation. Research Review on the Hungarian Social Sciences Granted by the Government, Budapest. pp. 145-171.

Kolosi, Tamás and Péter Róbert. 1993. Social effects produced by the system change. Acta Oeconomica. 45 (1-2): 23-42

Uunk, Wilfred, Harry B.G. Ganzeboom and Péter Róbert. 1996. Bivariate and multivariate scaled association models. An application to homogamy of social origin and education in Hungary between 1930 and 1979. Quality and Quantity 30: 323-343

Róbert, Péter. 1997. Social Determination of Living Conditions in Post-communist Societies. Czech Sociological Review. 5 (2): 197-216

Róbert, Péter. 1998. Transformation processes in Eastern Europe: Social Stratification.
In: Paul Nieuwbeerta and Harry B. G. Ganzeboom (eds.) Conference Transformation Processes in Eastern Europe. Part 2. Social Stratification. The Hauge: NWO/ESR.

Róbert, Péter. 1998. Occupational Class Structure: Theoretical and Methodological Problems. Review of Sociology. Hungarian Sociological Association. Special Issue. Pp. 58-76

Róbert, Péter. 1999. Consciousness of Inequality. In: Rudolf Andorka, Tamás Kolosi, Richard Rose and György Vukovich (eds.) A Society Transformed. Hungary in Time-Space Perspective. Budapest: CEU Press

Róbert, Péter. 1999. Gritting the Teeth – Embittered with the Change of System. In: Zsolt Spéder (ed.) Hungary in Flux. Society, Politics and Transformation. Hamburg: Krämer Verlag

Róbert, Péter. 1999. Perceived Mobility and Attitudes Toward Getting Ahead: An East-West Comparison. In: Nico Tos, Peter Ph. Mohler and Brina Malnar (eds.) Modern Society and Values. A Comparative Analysis Based on ISSP Project. FSS, University of Ljubjana and ZUMA, Mannheim. pp. 111-140.

Róbert, Péter and Erzsébet Bukodi. 2000. Who are the Entrepreneurs and Where Do They Come From? Transition to Self-employment Before, Under and After Communism in Hungary. International Review of Sociology 10 (1): 147-171.

Róbert, Péter, Erzsébet Bukodi and Ruud Luijkx. 2001 Employment Patterns in Hungarian Couples. In: Hans-Peter Blossfeld and Sonja Drobnic, (eds.): Careers of Couples in Contemporary Societies. A Cross-National Comparison of the Transition from Male Breadwinner to Dual Earner Families. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Róbert, Péter and Erzsébet Bukodi. 2002. Dual career pathways: The occupational attainment of married couples in Hungary. European Sociological Review. 18 (2): 217-232

Luijkx, Ruud, Péter Róbert, Paul M de Graaf and Harry Ganzeboom. 2002. Changes in Status Attainment in Hungary between 1910-1989. European Societies. 4 (1): 107-140.

Lengyel, György and Péter Róbert. 2003. Middle Classes in the Making in Central and Eastern Europe. In: Vladimir Mikhalev (ed.) Inequality and Social Structure during the Transition. United Nations University – WIDER: Studies in Development, Economics and Policy Series. New York: Palgrave Macmilland Ltd.

Bukodi, Erzsébet and Péter Róbert. 2003. Who Marries Whom in Hungary? In: Hans-Peter Blossfeld and Andreas Timm (ed.) Who Marries Whom? Educational Systems as Marriage Markets in Modern Societies. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publications

Róbert, Péter. 2003. Self-selection and Selection: Transition from Secondary to Tertiary Education in Hungary. Czech Sociological Review. 39. (3): 325-349

Medgyesi, Márton and Péter Róbert. 2003. Satisfaction with work in a European perspective: Center and Periphery, ’old’ and ’new’ market economies are compared. Review of Sociology. Hungarian Sociological Association. Special Issue. 9:43-68.

Bukodi, Erzsébet and Péter Róbert. 2003. Union Dissolution in Hungary. In: Hans-Peter Blossfeld and Rolf Müller (eds.) Assortative Partnership Selection, Division of Work in the Household, and Union Separation. International Journal of Sociology. Special Issue II. 33. (1):Â 64-94.

Róbert, Péter and Erzsébet Bukodi. 2004. Winners or Losers? Entry and Exit into Self-Employment in Hungary: 1980s and 1990s. In: Richard Arum and Walter Muller (eds.) The Reemergence of Self-employment: A Comparative Study of Self-Employment Dynamics and Social Inequality. Princeton: Princeton University Press

Róbert, Péter and Erzsébet Bukodi. 2004. Changes in Intergenerational Class Mobility in Hungary, 1973-2000. In: Richard Breen (eds.) Social Mobility in Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Dronkers, Jaap and Péter Róbert. 2004. Has educational sector any impact on school effectiveness in Hungary? A comparison of the public and the newly established religious grammar schools. European Societies. 6 (2): 205-236.

Róbert, Péter and Erzsébet Bukodi. 2005. The effect of the globalization process on the transition to adulthood in Hungary. In: Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Erik Klijzing, Melinda Mills and Karin Kurz (ed.): Globalization, Uncertainty and Youth in Society. London, New York: Routledge Bukodi, Erzsébet and Péter Róbert. 2006. Men’s career mobility in Hungary during the 1990s. In: Blossfeld, H-P. Mills, M. and Bernardi, F. (eds.): Globalization, Uncertainty and Men’s Careers. An International Comparison. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar

Bukodi, Erzsébet and Péter Róbert. 2006. Women’s career mobility in Hungary. In: Blossfeld, H-P and Hofmeister, H. (eds.): Globalization, Uncertainty and Women’s Careers. An International Comparison. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar

Bukodi, Erzsébet and Péter Róbert. 2006. Late careers and career exists in Hungary. In: Blossfeld, H-P. Buchholz, S. and Hofäcker, D. (eds.): Globalization, Uncertainty and Late Careers in Society. London, New York: Routledge

Róbert, Péter. 2007. Stratification in Transition Economies In: Ritzer, G. (ed). The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing

Blaskó, Zsuzsa and Péter Róbert. 2007. Graduates in the Labour Market: Does Socioeconomic Background Have an Impact? The Case of Hungary. Czech Sociological Review. 43 (6) 1149-1173.

Bukodi, Erzsébet and Péter Róbert. 2008. Hungary. In: Kogan, I. Gebel M. and Noelke, C. (eds.) Europe enlarged. A handbook of education, labour and welfare regimes in Central and Eastern Europe. Abingdon: The Policy Press

Dronkers, Jaap and Péter Róbert. 2008. Differences in Scholastic Achievement of Public, Private Government-Dependent, and Private Independent Schools. Educational Policy. 22 (4) 541-567.

Dronkers, Jaap and Péter Róbert. 2008. School Choice in the Light of the Effectiveness Differences of Various Types of Public and Private Schools in 19 OECD Countries. Journal of School Choice, 2. (3) 260-301.

Róbert, Péter. 2009. Changing Determinants of Consumption in Hungary, 1982-1998. In: Robson, K. and Sanders, Ch. (eds.) Quantifying Theory: Pierre Bourdieu. Springer

Róbert, Péter. 2009. Views about a just wage compensation: comparing temporal changes in ex-communist and never-communist countries. In: Haller, M., Jowell, R., Smith, T. W. (eds.) The International Social Survey Programme 1984-2009. Charting the Globe. New York: Routledge

Róbert, Péter. 2009. The Consequences of Educational Expansion for Returns to Education in Hungary. In: Hadjar, A., Becker, R. (eds.) Expected and Unexpected Consequences of the Educational Expansion in Europe and the US. Bern, Stuttgar, Wien: Haupt Verlag

Róbert, Péter. 2009. Stratification and Social Mobility. In: Immerfall, S., Therborn, G. (eds.) Handbook of European Societies. Springer, 2009.

Róbert, Péter. 2010. The Influence of Educational Segregation on Educational Achievement. In: Dronkers, J. (ed.) Quality and Inequality of Education. Cross-national Perspectives. Springer Press

Róbert, Péter. 2010. Social origin, school choice, and student performance. Educational Research and Evaluation, 16. (2) 107-129.