Research on Changing and new mechanisms of exclusion of persons with disabilities in Hungary

This study, which ended in May 2023, explored the mechanisms of social exclusion and marginalisation persons with disabilities face in Hungary and how these changed over the past three decades. The project, funded by OTKA (K_132293) analysed the range of exclusionary practices and power dynamics in different intersections of society, including stigma and stigmatisation, and drew attention to how these affect the lived experiences and life chances of persons with different disabilities and their families.

In the pursuit of a comprehensive understanding, our methods included:

  • 90 semi-structured life course interviews with persons with different disabilities or their families/close relatives about lived experiences,
  • A national representative opinion survey on attitudes towards the social participation of people with disabilities and the exercise of their rights,
  • Media analysis of how people with disabilities are perceived and portrayed in the online written press and how this may contribute to their social exclusion and acceptance.

Publications are available on the project's site.