TÁRKI contributes to the FRA Roma Survey 2020, being implemented in 2020-2021 in ten Eastern and Southern European countries (Croatia, Czechia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, North Macedonia, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Serbia), commissioned by the European Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), coordinated and implemented by Kantar Belgium SA. TÁRKI is involved in two roles, on the one hand, it implements the Hungarian fieldwork, while Anikó Bernát, researcher of TÁRKI supervises the overall project as a Senior Roma Expert, responsible for the ten countries covered by the FRA Roma Survey 2020.
The objective of the project is to conduct a comparative random probability face-to-face survey in ten European countries among the Roma population living in these countries. The purpose of the survey is to build on the latest FRA EU-MIDIS II survey and provide updated data about Roma inclusion in Europe. Another objective and one of the key challenges will be to contribute to and improve the survey instruments for sampling and surveying ‘hard-to-reach’ populations. The survey will be implemented in partnerships with local Roma organizations.
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