Dr. Heinz-Herbert Noll was the long-time director of the Social Indicators Research Centre of GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences in Mannheim. Since his retirement in 2014 he works as a freelance researcher and scientific advisor. He graduated in sociology, economics, social policy and statistics at the Uni¬versity of Frankfurt and received his doctorate at the University of Mannheim. He has taught at various European universities. H.-H. Noll was co-editor of the German social report "Datenreport" for almost two decades and a principal investigator of the German "Welfare Surveys". He also initiated the series of annual "Social Monitoring and Reporting in Europe" conferences as a main organizer. Noll served as chair of the Social Indicators Section of the German Sociological Association and was President of the Research Committee “Social Indicators” of the ISA as well as of the “International Society for Quality of Life Studies”. He also is/was a member of the editorial boards of several international journals, including “Social Indicators Research”. Noll has been the coordinator of the EuReporting-Project and participated in several other European Framework Projects, among them most recently the FP7 project e-Frame - European Framework for Measuring Progress. H.-H. Noll has published widely on topics related to social indicators, quality of life, subjective well-being as well as social inequality and social structures.
Selected Publications
Changing Structures of Inequality: A Comparative Perspective (ed. with Y. Lemel). Book Series “Comparative Charting of Social Change”, Vol. X., Montreal et al.: McGill-Queen’s University Press 2002.Towards a European System of Social Indicators: Theoretical Framework and System Architecture. Social Indicators Research, Vol. 58/2002 (1-3): 47-84.
Social Indicators and Quality of Life Research: Background, Achievements and Current Trends. In: N. Genov (ed.), Advances in Sociological Knowledge Over Half a Century. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2004, pp. 185-212.
Subjective well-being in Germany: evolutions, determinants and policy implications (with S. Weick). In: Greve, Bent (ed.): Happiness and social policy in Europe, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2010, pp. 70-88
Wiederkehr der Altersarmut in Deutschland?: Empirische Analysen zu Einkommen und Lebensstandard im Rentenalter (with S. Weick). In: Leisering, Lutz (Hrsg.): Die Alten der Welt, Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 2011, pp. 45-76
The Stiglitz-Sen-Fitoussi-report: old wine in new skins?; Views from a social indicators perspective. Social Indicators Research, Vol. 102, 1, 2011: 111-116
Subjective Social Indicators: Benefits and Limitations for Policy Making. Social Indicators Research, 2013, Volume 114, Issue 1 (guest editor).
Subjective Social Indicators: Benefits and Limitations for Policy Making — An Introduction to this Special Issue. Social Indicators Research, 2013, Volume 114, Issue 1, pp. 1-11.
Societal Progress. In: Michalos, Alex C. (ed.): Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research, Heidelberg: Springer, 2014, pp. 6199-6205.
Consumption Expenditures and Subjective Well-being: Empirical Evidence from Germany (with S. Weick). International Review of Economics, Online 1st, November 2014.