Anikó Bernát

Anikó Bernát

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Anikó Bernát (MA in Sociology, PhD candidate in Sociology, both at ELTE University, Budapest) is a researcher at TARKI Social Research since 2002. She has been specialized in areas related to the development of the situation of vulnerable groups (such as the Roma, migrants and refugees, disabled people or homeless people), as well as the processes related to these groups, migration and social inclusion in particular. She has contributed to several EU research projects (FP6. IDEA, FP7: ImPRoVE, InGRID, research projects of EU DGs) targeting the various vulnerable groups and working as a country expert for the FRANET of the Fundamental Rights Agency of the EU with a focus on migrants and the Roma. With regard to the Roma, she was the principal investigator of the study “The Rights of Roma Children and Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and Serbia: A comparative review and further analysis of findings from MICS surveys in Roma settlements in the three countries” for UNICEF Regional Office for Central and Eastern Europe (Geneva, 2012-2014); and has worked on the indicator development for monitoring and evaluation systems related to EU Structural Funds or the National Inclusion Strategy of Hungary (since 2013). In the field of migration, most recently she led the evaluation of Asia-Europe Migration Project commissioned by the Asia-Europe Foundation (Singapore, 2016) and she has been exploring the social aspects of the recent migration flow in Hungary (2015-2016).