TÁRKI's junior researcher Zsófia Tomka presented at the Hungarian Sociology Conference

TÁRKI's colleague Zsófia Tomka presented her research findings with Anikó Bernát about the "Risk factors and coping strategies: Measuring the living conditions of Ukrainian refugees in Hungary" (Kockázati tényezők és megküzdési stratégiák: A magyarországi ukrán menekültek életkörülményeinek felmérése) at the Annual Hungarian Sociology Conference at the University of Pécs.

We congratulate our colleagues on their results and successful performance!

5th SPES Consortium Meeting took place in Budapest

How can economic growth, social inclusion and ecological sustainability be reconciled? What are the synergies and trade-offs at global, national and local levels? These were the core issues in the focus of the 5th consortium meeting of the SPES project, hosted by TÁRKI Social Research Institute from November 27th to 29th, 2024, in Budapest.

The agenda included a comprehensive review of project progress, discussions on upcoming deliverables, and a workshop exploring the connection between economic growth, human flourishing, and environmental sustainability.

The meeting concluded with the SPES Policy Dialogue, a public event held at the Hungarian Parliament fostering the exchange of ideas between researchers, policy makers and stakeholders.

Exploring Sustainable Welfare Solutions in Europe

TÁRKI is pleased to announce its participation in the new project, Sustainable Wellbeing through Investment in Social Services (SWINS), funded by the Horizon Europe programme. This initiative is a collaboration between TÁRKI Social Research Institute, ARCO Florence and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and a network of research institutions across the EU.

SWINS aims to advance our understanding of how investments in social services — such as kindergartens, education, labor market measures, and health and care services — can support sustainable welfare in Europe. Using a life course perspective, the project will explore the impacts of these services, considering how they can most effectively contribute to well-being across generations.

Invitation to the 2nd SPES Policy Dialogue on the synergies and trade-offs among dimensions of the sustainability transition - 29 November 2024

TÁRKI kindly invites you to the public event on the synergies and trade-offs among dimensions of the sustainability transition, jointly organised by TÁRKI Social Research Institute, the Hungarian National Council for Sustainable Development and within the frame of the SPES (Sustainability Performances, Evidence & Scenarios) project funded by the European Union.

New paper on the "Interactions between the social and employment objectives of the European Union"

The Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union (January – June 2024) commissioned TÁRKI Social Research Institute to write an independent academic paper on the interactions between the social and employment target indicators of the EU. The paper informed the High-Level Conference on the European Pillar of Social Rights (15-16 April 2024, La Hulpe, Belgium). It was coordinated by István György Tóth, and co-authored by András Gábos, Bea Cantillon and Brian Nolan. The paper is available here.

High-Level Conference on the European Pillar of Social Rights: Shaping the Future of Social Policy

New publication of TÁRKI staff in the Journal of European Social Policy

TÁRKI's colleagues': András Gábos, Barbara Binder, Réka Branyiczki and István György Tóth published a joint paper which is now available online in the Journal of European Social Policy. In this article, they show that using a floating poverty threshold considerably underestimates the strength of the relationships between poverty, employment and social transfers.

They analysed how the rise in employment have transformed into poverty reduction in Europe. They described the factors that explain the level and changes in the relative poverty rates, both within and across countries.